Viral Video
The video you can see below was very viral for Koreans. The video name is "It's mom but I am sleepy". The video is about a baby called "Ye-Lim". Her mother was taking a video of Ye-Lim sleeping. Then, Ye-Lim woke up and then laughed and then suddenly fell into sleep. The reason why it was viral was because the baby was so cute and it was amazing that she smiled and suddenly fainted.These days, people are making lots of viral videos. It can be a huge controversy and the main character could be famous. But I believe viral videos are not good.
First, you could be teased by people. Also, people could hate you which could become a serious problem. For example, people said bad words about Rebecca Black's "Friday". Some people even said, "You should die, Rebecca" and "It is the worst song I have ever heard." Rebecca is only 13. Also, "Star wars Kid" was bullied at school. In the video, he is trying to act like he is fighting with an enemy. However, there is no enemy and also, he can't do well. Everyone burst out laughing.
You write really well, and this essays starts very well. But you should try and write a full essay with 5 paragraphs. Some readers won't know who Rebecca is unless you provide a link or video. However, you did a good job to find an interesting video and express your opinion.
답글삭제This is such a cute video!